That's My Boy
4.3 Stars

That's My Boy is in my opinion the funniest comedy of the year. This screwball comedy had a star cast featuring Adam Sandler, Andy Sandburg, and directed by Sean Anders. Sean Anders is famous for his comedy movies such as "Sex Drive". The small plot in this movie was Adam Sandler trying to make ammends with his distant son.
The techniques used with the camera angles varied a lot. For all of the conversations between Adam and Andy that were funny, there were many quick close in camera angles between the characters and the style was very upbeat. The conversations seemed to be rapid with several subtle funny remarks. I thought that the director didn't have too much of a mesage as there was no real closure in the end of the movie to anything. But throughout the movie there were some serious moments about their relationship and how it changed over time. So a small message I took from this film was don't take anything for granite, especially friends and family.

As you can see I found this film hilarious. This is the first film Andy Sandburg and Adam Sandler have been in together and I thought they were a great duo. I gave this movie a 4.3 out of 5 stars because of the originality. I felt like this movie was different with plot than any other comedy before. Sean Anders also brought in New York Jet head football coach Rex Ryan for a couple scenes which adds another element of comedy.
This is a very insightful blog post Kevin. With that being said, I couldn't disagree with you more. I saw this movie less than a week ago and I wish I could have that two hours of my life back. I felt that very little thought was put into this movie and frankly, Adam Sandler needs to stop trying to make comedies like he did in his youth because he just isn't funny anymore. I found that Sandler's fake Boston accent in this movie was annoying and inconsistent. It saddens me to see that a young and promising actor such as Andy Samberg* would be dragged into Sandler's downward spiral.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Kevin, I thought this movie was really funny, maybe because I usually like any movie with Adam Sandler. I have to say that you did a good job talking about the movie. But, I do feel like 4.3/5 is too high, I mean the movie was good, but I would give it a three.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Evan, one of Sandler's worst films. It feels like he is trying too hard to stay relevant in a time where sophisticated comedy is appreciated. One of his more recent funniest films was "Funny People." In this one he actually acted well and became one with the character and didn't spew out stupid one liners. If he did more of these films, he could make a comeback. lol.
ReplyDeleteI actually just saw this movie the other night with my mom. We laughed out loud many times throughout the film, but weren't incredibly impressed by it. I thought it was entertaining and one of the funnier movies to recently come out. I was glad that it wasn't filled with any depressing scenes, but lightened and made ridiculous with all the random stuff that happened. I feel like Adam Sandler and Andy Samburg did a good job with this movie. They both stayed close to character and made the movie very enjoyable. I wouldn't necessarily say it was the funniest movie of the year, but it was pretty funny and enjoyable. I also agree with Evan and Dan that Adam Sandler is still kind of trying too hard to stay in the comedy and vulgar scene with his movies, but he still did do a god job with the film regardless. I would have personally rated this movie a 3/5 (agreeing with with Sarahy). The entertaining and comedic aspects made it a 4, but the cinematic and thematic elements made it more of a 2, so I'd average it out to a 3. Good review, Bonyko ;)