Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Movies in Your Spare Time #3

Friends with Benefits
4.5 Stars
         Friends with Benefits is a great romantic comedy for any age group with star actor Justin Timberlake, and star actress Mila Kunis.  When I first saw previews for this film I thought it was just copying "No Strings Attatched", with actor Ashton Kutcher.  That film came out a couple years before Friends with Benefits.  In my opinion, I thought Friends with Benefits was done much better.  The acting from Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis was better, and although similar endings, the plot seemed to be much more creative in Friends with Benefits, particulalry the ending.   
         I thought the technique used in this film was very well done.  The transitions between scenes really popped out at me with long range shots of New York City and Los Angeles from above.  I thought the dialogue was very fast paced.  When the dialogue is up beat like that it shows the viewer that the boy and girl do have a connection with each other. 
         I thought this film was enjoyable from start to finish.  A 4.5 out of 5 is a huge honnor to the film, especially coming from myself.  I would reccomend seeing this film.  The intended audience is mainly teens but I could really see anyone watching this film, including my mom who seems to be watching it everytime I enter the room. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Kevin. You do nice work talking about the impact of the films on you, just focus more on analyzing the industry/technical connections.
