Monday, December 3, 2012

Movie In Your Spare Time


4.7 Stars     

           Over Thanksgiving break, I went with my family to watch Lincoln.  I found it all very interesting, despite little action or drama in the beiginning. History has always been one of my strong suites in school mainly because I have always found it interesting.  I feel that you need to have an interest in history to enjoy this film, and it is for more of a mature audiemce.  I wouldn't recommend seeing this film if you are in 8th grade or younger.  
         The movie was about Abraham Lincoln and how much of a challenge it was for him to pass the 13th amendment.  Even the people working for him were very doubtful and didn't seem too supportive of Lincoln.   
         Eventually Lincoln got people to realize how important equality is for our nation, even with many personal issues going on in Lincoln's life.  The amendment would eventually pass.      
          Steven Spielberg did an extremely good job directing this film.  I thought he did a great job getting the message across of how much different times were back then.  Spielberg did a good job portraying his characters, especially with Mrs. Lincoln.  She is historically known as crazy, and Spielberg did a great job making a little crazy, but at the same time not over doing her crazy.  I also thought he did a good job portraying the battles back then.  When Lincoln would go visit the battle sites, there would aways be a far shot of all the dead bodies, and the whether was always gloomy.  
         The biggest shock to me was how well Daniel Day-Lewis played Abraham Lincoln.  Daniel Day-Lewis had some pretty funny scenes playing Lincoln, but also a few very intense scenes that gave me goose bumps.  My mother and I both agree that he deserved an Oscar for that performance.   


  1. Sounds like an interesting movie--one I definitely want to go see. Although, I would have liked you to include a lot more about specific scenes and cinematic elements. Speak specifically about the editing, camerawork, etc. Make sure to do this in future posts. And, watch out for your spelling.

  2. Kevin, I have not YET seen this film.. and I very much want to. Based on your review, it makes me want to view this film even more, mainly because of your emphasis on which audience would be best for this - those who like history. I really appreciate history, the Civil War, Lincoln, etc., so I would thoroughly enjoy this film, especially since you claim the acting is spot on.
    Good Job.
